Blue & Cream Cushions backed in Velvet
A Blue & Cream Woollen Shawl (Kashmir, Early 20th Century), made in to Cushions with Pom Pom Trim and Backed in a Pale Blue Velvet.
Charming Embroidered Cotton Cushion
A charming embroidered cotton cushion depicting a crocodile eating a fish, Northern India early 20th Century. The cushion is backed in an Indian block print fabric.
Pair of Silk Ikat Cushions, Late 19th C
A Pair of Small Silk Ikat Cushions, Central Asia, Late 19th C, with pale pink piping and backing.
Large Vietnamese Embroidered Cushion
A Large Pale Pink and Mauve Embroidered Cushion, Vietnam, Early 20th C with later cut ruche fringe and pale pink backing.
Pair of Swat Valley Cushions
A Pair of Embroidered Cushions Made From a Swat Valley Shawl, Pakistan, Early – Mid 20th C, with later pom-pom fringe
Pair of Small Thar Pakar Embroidered Cushions
A Pair of Embroidered Cushions, Thar Pakar, Sind, Early 20th C, Backed onto a Plain Linen Ground. Delicate silk embroidery not desgined for hard wear areas
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